
2018 was going to be the year that you finally lost that stubborn 10kg and got your sexy back.

You started strong.

Smashing out 5 or 6 workouts a week.

You threw out ALL of the sugary snacks from the pantry and even started eating kale!

The results were coming in too.

One kg down, 2 centimetres off your waistline, then 3 and then 4.

Things were going awesome until…

The kids just wouldn’t stop fighting and it got SO stressful that you had no choice but to get a

Drive-thru sundae from Maccas.

OR perhaps it was that time of month and the cravings for chocolate were SO strong that you just

Had to have some.


Thinking about it logically, one bit of chocolate or one sundae in amongst all of that hard work

Certainly isn’t going to undo all of the great results and effort you’ve already put in.


No one became overweight after one chocolate bar, just the same as nobody became super

Shredded with a 6-pack after one gym session.


However, after that one chocolate bar then some other things started shifting.

You ate a few other “naughty” things that day, then that week and THEN you missed a gym session.

A couple of bad days became a couple of bad weeks and now, you’re completely out of routine and

The results have begun to unravel.


Somewhere along the line, your motivation just slipped through the cracks and now, you feel like if you don’t somehow fix this problem soon, you’ll be back to square one.


This situation is all too common amongst new years’ resolutioners and far too many people aren’t

Able to break out of this rut, resulting in them setting the same resolutions year after year.


To help put an end to your motivation woes, here are 3 Beautifully Effective Strategies to Re-ignite

Your Fitness Fire and get you back on the righteous path towards your weight-loss, toning OR fitness

Goals and anything else in between.

1. Re-focus on why you got started in the first place.

This one may sound simple but it can be so effective when done right.

There’s a great quote by Tony Robbins that goes “When the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change, that’s when you’ll change.”

I love this quote because it really makes us aware of what drives our decisions to take action in the

First place.

The two main drivers for action on any goals are usually:

  • Going away from pain (e.g. losing weight because we’re feeling unfit or unhealthy etc.)


  • Going towards pleasure (e.g. wanting to be a great role model for your kids by getting healthier)

Moving away from pain tends to be the stronger of the two motivators but it’s good to find motivation from both sources.

Think back to why you got started in the first place.

Now that that image is clear in your mind, I want you to write it down and stick it somewhere you’ll be reminded of it regularly.

It could be your new phone back ground or a post-it note permanently stuck on your desk.

Make it visible so you’re reminded of it CONSTANTLY.

2. Tweak your approach a little.

If you found you got great results in the early days of your program but things have started to slow

Down, it’s likely time to alter your approach to achieving your goals.

That could mean:

  • Adding a new exercise into your routine
  • Hiring a PT or a Coach
  • Changing up your diet a bit
  • Or anything similar.

It doesn’t have to be complicated but if things are no longer working then something needs to change. 

Don’t be afraid to reach out to a professional if you’re feeling stuck.

Sometimes we often don’t know what we don’t know.

Getting the opinion of someone else to provide new insights can really help you overcome

Overlooked road blocks.

3. Get accountable to someone or something.

Accountability is one of the most powerful tools you can implement when it comes to being

Successful with your goals.

It can come in many forms from starting a training or eating plan with your spouse to booking in a

Photo-shoot several months down the track to make sure you stick to your weight-loss and toning


I personally love the second option there even though people are rarely game enough to go for it.

I highly recommend finding someone who will genuinely keep you accountable rather than allow you to slip back into old habits so easily.

For example, a coach might be a better choice than your partner if they themselves aren’t that

Interested in getting fitter or healthier.

Perhaps you can lead by example by seeking out some guidance from a coach so that your partner

Follows suit too.

In any case, find YOUR accountability and you’ll no doubt rediscover your motivation.


Rediscovering your motivation can be challenging if you fall off the horse.

BUT trust us, once you revisit why you got started, change things up a bit and get accountable to y

Your goals again there’ll be no stopping you.


All the best with dominating your goals in the remainder of 2018 and beyond!


As always, have an epic day and stay tuned for more regular FREE content just like this.


Yours in amazing health,

Jake “Motivation Master” Turnbull

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